Plan for December

04.12.2016 13:20

1. Speaking Assessment Guide - if you haven´t read the guide, please do so, this is still top urgent thing to complete. Send me you notes as soon as possible. I have recieved the feedback only from Oti and it is our common product.....
2. 2nd Public speaking - it is in plan for this month, prepare it... I have already sent you feedback and attandance list, take some pictures as evidance of it!!!
3. Video Recipe Book - we´ve discussed it on skype, so I have nothing to add to this (always the same: photos, feedback), deadline till the end of December - upload the videos on youtube and eTwinning,
4. Mobility in Turkey - I am writing it here to avoid some missunderstanding later on,
- mobility will take place from 1st to 5th May
- final project meeting with conference will be held from 23rd to 26th :-)
5. Skype conference - topic is Fashion and Clothing...girls will love it I guess (pictures, feedback)...and be aware to arrange it earlier because of Christmas Holiday
6. Don´t forget the CLILs :-), as we all love to do them :D
7. O2 - Remember to prepare 2 more speaking tests


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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